Calibre/Item: 410
Make: Henry
Model: H018G
Action: Lever repeater
Barrel Length: 20 inches
Condition: New
Phone: 07 4691 1620
Price: $0
Licence Number: 50000327
Advertised: 29/09/2024
Transferring Dealer: The Barn, 5 Campbell St, Oakey Qld
Dealer Ad
State: QLD
Comment: Henry H018G 410R 19.75 inch barrel with semi buckhorn sight. A full choke tube is supplied, and additional options are available from the Henry store. The high-visibility front brass bead is perfect for wing-shooting clays or birds alike. The long barrel makes for a slightly milder report and stretches the effectiveness of .410 shotshells to the max. The H018G-410R is a more compact configuration with a 20″ round cylinder bore barrel, ideal for brush hunting with birdshot, defense with buckshot, or harvesting small deer with slugs. Semi-buckhorn rear sight, adjustable for windage and elevation, combined with brass bead front post sights, makes for very accurate shooting. A little lighter than its 24″ counterpart, this shotgun is easier to carry in the field or handle in tight quarters. The adjustable sights enable matching the patterns of any shot load and points of impact of any slugs. This firearm lets you handle small game like rabbits or birds for the pot, and varmints like fox, coyotes, and pest rodents at moderate ranges.