Calibre/Item: Compensator / muzzle brake /bushing

Make: Valkyrie

Model: Predator 1911 S/S

Condition: New

Phone: 0402 219 831

Price: $100

Licence Number: 333089b

Advertised: 03/08/2016

Deposit Taken: SOLD

Comment: Valkyrie Predator 1911 S/S Compensator/muzzle brake/bushing. Price inc delivery Aust wide or pickup. Barrel bushing compensator to suit retail production 1911s. Reduces muzzle flip and recoil by venting gasses at muzzle and adding weight to the end of your barrel. Adds approx. 1” length to your barrel and weighs 66g. Fits calibres up to and including .45ACP (can fit .38 and 9m). Fits 5” Government length 1911 Autos with a barrel OD between .577"-581". The bushing ID. Is .583" +-.0005".
CNC Machined Billet Hardened, Aerospace grade stainless steel. Finished in stainless steel. We can Cerakote if required. Bank transfer preferred, credit card processing available with no surcharge.

Transferring Dealer: Ignition Custom Engineering SA

Dealer Ad State: SA

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